Celutions is a social enterprise that is dedicated to creating solutions to the problems surrounding mental health. As you’re probably already aware, these problems include stigma, lack of resources and all of that annoying stuff.

Have you ever felt like you didn’t know how to help yourself when you were feeling low, or how to help someone whilst they’re going through it? Yeah, we want to change that.

We create solutions – well we create Celutions (you see what we’ve done there?) to these problems by holding events and workshops that provide education about different mental health issues.

We all have down days and know that everyone needs help from time to time, so we teach people the necessary skills to look after their mental health and the mental health of others.

We all have mental health. Let’s change the way it’s perceived.

Not sure where to start? Check out our ‘Learn’ page, follow us on social media, stay connected through our newsletters, the list is endless.

``A better me is coming`` - don't forget that! Love and light, Celutions